Khamis, Disember 27, 2007
Sabtu, Disember 22, 2007

Avatar: TLA belong to Nickelodeon and this is just a mere fanart so please don't kill maim or sue thanks very much ^^
Jumaat, November 16, 2007
Khamis, November 15, 2007
Candy Colours

Trying to diverge away from the colour schemes I usually use (warmish, reddish tones and what have yous) and decided to wonk it up with bright candy colours! I think I'll still need more practice to come up with colour schemes I want at the snap of a finger, but this'll do for now.
I have been very bad - I have not posted anything for October! So much for discipline. Much apologies but October is a pretty much a holiday month with the Eid celebration and all, and what I lack in drawings, I make it up with dinky holiday pictures! You can look it up in my Livejournal - I can promise you a picture of a random cat and lots of good food ;)
Rabu, September 26, 2007
Isnin, September 24, 2007
My brother's wedding
Ahad, September 23, 2007
The Waterbender

I almost didn't want to finish this piece. I had the lineart lying around forever, and when I started colouring I didn't like the direction it was going. I have no idea how the end product is going to look like (which contributed a LOT to floundering and flopping around helplessly in Photoshop adding layers, deleting layers, airbrushing, erasing asjdhawjjhawwd). My aim was to finish it before 3rd season of Avatar begins, but obviously I didn't manage to do that hahaha. I still kinda feel this sort of had 'overdone' all over it, but I probably won't change anything anymore.
Isnin, September 17, 2007
Spyro Fan art

Just saw the new PS2 release for this game over at gametrailers.com. I haven't played Spyro for ages. Not since the 2nd game of the PS1 release (Ripto's Rage). It seemed like Spyro had a major overhaul over the years, reboot of the storyline and even a little redesign to the spunky title character itself. I miss the old blocky muzzle he used to have.
Nevertheless, the new game still looks quite interesting! Might as well crank up the old PS2 one of these days.
Fan art!

Remember reading Archie as a kid? Or during the pre-teen years? That eternal love triangle with Archie-Bets-Ronnie. Jughead's pig-outs. Reggie's next evil ploy. I even love Josie and the Pussycats.This is my take on Betty and Veronica, which doesn't do justice to the art of Dan DeCarlo. Maybe more to come next.
Selasa, September 11, 2007
Khamis, September 06, 2007
Something for September

After a particularly busy yet productive August (by my own lackadaisical standard that is) September is a horribly lazy month where I can't seem to be arsed to draw anything good.
These are the only two that I like for this month, even when the 2nd pic was dangerously bordering on watercolour goulash with so many colours clashing for attention.
Rabu, Ogos 29, 2007
Lift Off

Whee... this picture. I felt quite ambitious starting this one, thinking how much fun I would have with the dramatic angle and the colouring... but unfortunately my inept watercolouring skills and inexperience took over. And it ended up looking super horrendous and blotchy and very very different from what I have in mind. I'll probably recreate this again in Photoshop some day.
Selasa, Ogos 28, 2007
Where's that @#%^& Space Shuttle!
Jumaat, Ogos 24, 2007
Posing Maut

A fave from my childhood cartoon, the extremely intelligent Donatello and his formidale bo that lets you stand safely at one end while you whack an opponent senseless in the Sega MegaDrive fighting game!
Rendered in Copics (Ciao!), pen, white gel pen and a lil' dash of colour pencils.
Costume/ outfit is sooo inaccurate but yeargh.
And I met Kevin Eastman woo! He was in Malaysia, visiting our workplace wooo!
ok enough spazzing.
ninja toitles,
real media
Isnin, Ogos 20, 2007

I'm running out of inspiration these days - arrghh. I need to watch Bale movies. Lots and lots of Christian Bale movies.
Khamis, Ogos 16, 2007

Rabu, Ogos 15, 2007
Selasa, Ogos 14, 2007

Just finished watching Ratatouille in the cinema, and the lights were up and I received news that Mike Wieringo had passed away.
It was kind of sad, he was a great artist, always had time to comment on newcomers on the Drawingboard forum, large array of inspiring works - I guess it just hits those who love him and his works doubly hard because he was just so damn nice.
Here's to an amazing artist and person.
Khamis, Ogos 02, 2007
Rabu, Ogos 01, 2007
Yellow yellow orange brown

Extra touch ups with some Copics before it looks like the girl's suffering from yellow fever!
I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass
Bear Fight!

Sketched in pencil, inked and coloured in Photoshop. Texture taken with love from http://www.mayang.com
Isnin, Julai 30, 2007

I don't go nuts over the whole shipping war but if I have to name one pairing that I secretly root for - it'll be Katara and Aang. I think it's sweet in an earnest sort of way, though ultimately impossible given Aang's important role in the story (purely from a fan's perspective, so don't take it too seriously! Plus we know nothing's really definite till the very last episode in the last season!). I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story turns out! September can't come soon enough.
Screencap ganked with love from Avatarspirit.net! This is merely a fan comic strip done in a fit of silliness so please don't kill, maim or sue.
Jumaat, Julai 27, 2007
Khamis, Julai 26, 2007
Ahad, Julai 22, 2007
Sabtu, Julai 14, 2007
Sabtu, Jun 30, 2007
Bad Spelling on purpose!
Rabu, Jun 27, 2007
Sketch dump...again!
Hmm..photobucket is really... REALLY acting up now so I can't upload pictures to my LJ. This is frustrating. Here's some random doodles from work and elsewhere.
Wonky legs!
Girl with bad folds and wonky fingers ugh
Tried to draw Judy Nails... though her guitar's not drawn in yet. The weird devil thingy is a cool action figure that my colleague had - sort of bogarted it over to my desk hehe
I tried to draw a cat...which turned out ugly, turned it into a dinky whatever goes monster instead.

My housemate recently got some emulator to play PSX games with and ye gads, it's evil - she shared it with me! All those classic RPGs that you'd readily spend hours of your life on, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, all the FFs, Vagrant Story etc...and those that you shamelessly cried over ...Final freaking Fantasy VII...and damned silly fun games like Parappa the Rapper..It's evil! EVIL I tell you! I'm never gonna parted from my PC!!
Isnin, Jun 25, 2007
Michel Gagne!

...is just too cool. This is my weak attempt at depicting him during a conference session at CG Overdrive '07 in Singapore. It was what he said when the Quicktime files he was playing had no sound. This guy is pure genius. He's an effects animator, does everything handrawn and has done works for Iron Giant and Pixar's soon to be released animation, Rattatouille.
Contrary to what I wrote (if you can read my horrendous handwriting) he didn't design Animo, but tested it out for its animating capabilities. Check out his awesome body of works here: http://www.gagneint.com/
Rabu, Jun 13, 2007
Isnin, Jun 11, 2007
Somewhat Unseen University

Sabtu, Jun 09, 2007
Jumaat, Jun 01, 2007
Nonsense Photoshoppery
Selasa, Mei 22, 2007
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Catatan (Atom)