Our director came in today, but so did the scriptwriters and they ended up having a long meeting which took the whole day. So my work are being held back till tomorrow, and I was able to sketch this between storyboard thumbnails... It's one of a crazy witch and a... random jumping girl. Bad anatomies afoot!
Probably less coming next week. It's going to be crunch time in the office now!
I'm wishing that my doodles actually have a certain theme, or topics and subjects instead of random bit and bobs of nothing. But then again doodles are supposed to be random bit and bobs and nothing, and that's all my brains are able to churn out last Friday at work.
Someone back in uni came up with this phrase: I'm too lazy to sleep. I remember going - what the heck how can you be too lazy to sleep? That doesn't make sense. But now it kinda does - I'm sleepy but I'm too tired to drag myself upstairs so that makes me lazy I guess. You can tell I'm real sleepy when I start rambling like this. Night u all.