Sabtu, Jun 30, 2007
Bad Spelling on purpose!

Rabu, Jun 27, 2007
Sketch dump...again!
Hmm..photobucket is really... REALLY acting up now so I can't upload pictures to my LJ. This is frustrating. Here's some random doodles from work and elsewhere.
Wonky legs!
Girl with bad folds and wonky fingers ugh
Tried to draw Judy Nails... though her guitar's not drawn in yet. The weird devil thingy is a cool action figure that my colleague had - sort of bogarted it over to my desk hehe
I tried to draw a cat...which turned out ugly, turned it into a dinky whatever goes monster instead.

My housemate recently got some emulator to play PSX games with and ye gads, it's evil - she shared it with me! All those classic RPGs that you'd readily spend hours of your life on, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, all the FFs, Vagrant Story etc...and those that you shamelessly cried over ...Final freaking Fantasy VII...and damned silly fun games like Parappa the Rapper..It's evil! EVIL I tell you! I'm never gonna parted from my PC!!
Isnin, Jun 25, 2007
Michel Gagne!

...is just too cool. This is my weak attempt at depicting him during a conference session at CG Overdrive '07 in Singapore. It was what he said when the Quicktime files he was playing had no sound. This guy is pure genius. He's an effects animator, does everything handrawn and has done works for Iron Giant and Pixar's soon to be released animation, Rattatouille.
Contrary to what I wrote (if you can read my horrendous handwriting) he didn't design Animo, but tested it out for its animating capabilities. Check out his awesome body of works here: http://www.gagneint.com/
Rabu, Jun 13, 2007
Isnin, Jun 11, 2007
Somewhat Unseen University

Sabtu, Jun 09, 2007
Jumaat, Jun 01, 2007
Nonsense Photoshoppery
Catatan (Atom)