Just something silly concocted right after watching the Season 3 preview someone recorded from SDCC '07. That bit with Zuko and Mai totally threw me off for a loop - I totally did NOT expect that! (yes, I really did scream when it happened... I suppose Maiko fans are rejoicing muchly over this turn of event?). Or more like, I totally didn't expect to see Zuko in such a situation.. it's like suddenly seeing a man with two noses on his face.. or something.
I don't go nuts over the whole shipping war but if I have to name one pairing that I secretly root for - it'll be Katara and Aang. I think it's sweet in an earnest sort of way, though ultimately impossible given Aang's important role in the story (purely from a fan's perspective, so don't take it too seriously! Plus we know nothing's really definite till the very last episode in the last season!). I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story turns out! September can't come soon enough.
Screencap ganked with love from Avatarspirit.net! This is merely a fan comic strip done in a fit of silliness so please don't kill, maim or sue.
Squid attack!
Buncha Mario stuff and more random brainfarts (because I was bored at work)Oh and... I think the Simpsons' movie was real fun.
The punching bag in our office, a hapless Ikea-bought monkey plushie
...rebellious teen cactus busy rebelling
Another excuse to try out my markers - messy as heck it is here, but still fun!
I've only started wanting to draw these Avatar fan arts and they've changed the character's costumes already T___T
Can't wait for season 3 though. It has been a looooong wait.