Whee... this picture. I felt quite ambitious starting this one, thinking how much fun I would have with the dramatic angle and the colouring... but unfortunately my inept watercolouring skills and inexperience took over. And it ended up looking super horrendous and blotchy and very very different from what I have in mind. I'll probably recreate this again in Photoshop some day.

Quickie while waiting for colleague so I can go home. She can either be trying to look cool or pissed or pissed but looking cool at the same time. Or constipated. Maybe all of the options.
Painter doodle-de-doo.
Ninja toitles hoyey!
A fave from my childhood cartoon, the extremely intelligent Donatello and his formidale bo that lets you stand safely at one end while you whack an opponent senseless in the Sega MegaDrive fighting game!
Rendered in Copics (Ciao!), pen, white gel pen and a lil' dash of colour pencils.
Costume/ outfit is sooo inaccurate but yeargh.
And I met Kevin Eastman woo! He was in Malaysia, visiting our workplace wooo!
ok enough spazzing.
Drawing of random fairy like creature when I was bored at work and extremely itching to try out colour pencils. Rendered in liquid watercolour and slathered on colour pencils like nobody's business.
I'm running out of inspiration these days - arrghh. I need to watch Bale movies. Lots and lots of Christian Bale movies.
Some recent artworks done during Comiworld '07. Rendered in markers and colour pencils (Staedler Luna I love youze)
Drawing these ornamental stuff always calms me down when I'm too stuffed in the head, stressed or tired. I really love those graphic designers/ illustrators who specialize in ornamental arts - it always amazes me how they come out with their works - the intricacies, the beautiful details. Hope to do more of these soon when I can draw better flowers XD

"I think I'll take you home!"

Just finished watching Ratatouille in the cinema, and the lights were up and I received news that Mike Wieringo had passed away.
It was kind of sad, he was a great artist, always had time to comment on newcomers on the Drawingboard forum, large array of inspiring works - I guess it just hits those who love him and his works doubly hard because he was just so damn nice.
Here's to an amazing artist and person.

My house mate is always saying that I treat her like a pinata, because I always hit her, or something. But at least I never kick her!
No house mate is harmed in the making of this drawing.
Found these two bottles of liquid watercolour in my drawer at work, and decided to try them out. I totally suck at watercolour (and real media in general, except colour pencils ahahha), and this is my first try, but it's really fun!
Extra touch ups with some Copics before it looks like the girl's suffering from yellow fever!
I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass I want to watch Golden Compass
Iorek and Iofur going at it in Philip Pullman's Northern Lights. I didn't quite get the pose and ferocity that I initially felt when I first read the book - the bears look too tame! The armour is partly ganked from the movie poster (Golden Compass) and partly made up, so it's probably not functional at all.
Sketched in pencil, inked and coloured in Photoshop. Texture taken with love from http://www.mayang.com