Ahad, November 29, 2009

Girl on Swing
Jumaat, November 27, 2009
Street Eats!
Girls and a Tree
Sabtu, November 21, 2009
What, No Garbage Chute??

I love my apartment and the immediate surroundings but if there's one major beef I have, it'd be the fact that there's no garbage chute in the high-rise building! The main garbage disposal area is in the 1st and 2nd floor, and I live well above the 10th floor. It's always awkward for me to use the elevator while carrying my trash, especially when there's another (clean and well dressed) person in the elevator as well. I feel bad for subjecting them to the trashy smell!
Khamis, November 19, 2009
2012 in a Nutshell (SPOILER ALERT!)

How I would like the movie to end: Arks arriving ominously on African shores, while a lone person runs towards the land dwellers, yelling "RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! HUNDRED OF YEARS AGO THEY TOOK YOUR PEOPLE AND NOW THEY'RE HERE FOR YOUR LAAAAAND!!!!"
You should totally watch it. The visual effects is pretty darn good, actually, and the action sequence is quite gripping and tense-inducing in a sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kinda way. I just find the storyline a bit creepy.
Sorry for the sparse update lately - again, I've been sketching lots in the sketchbook so will scan and update soon!
Jumaat, November 13, 2009
Poison Ivy
Fish Maiden meets Octopus Girl
Rabu, November 11, 2009
Isnin, November 09, 2009
I Am a Chip Bender

Anyway moments after I was whimpering for Pringles, my dear colleague Ezat whipped out a can of potato chips and proceeded to share it with everyone. It is truly a magical event that would shame the best of wizards or witches. My stomach and taste bud is eternally grateful.
And now..
Mermaid in Colour!

I received this lovely surprise in the email today! It's Mermaid & Walrus piece coloured so beautifully by Ryan Claytor whom I had the pleasure of meeting (albeit briefly!) at San Diego Comicon this year. Thanks muchly, Ryan - this totally makes my day :)
(Psst don't forget to check his comics at http://www.elephanteater.com, they're intriguingly addictive)
Sabtu, November 07, 2009
Jumaat, November 06, 2009

I did this with a childhood place in mind: Tanjung Lobang, Miri. My family and I used to stay in the teachers' quarters within a school compound that was situated on top of a cliff overlooking the sea. There's a spot that my brothers and I used to go to in the evenings to play and watch the sunset - it was absolutely beautiful. There was a beach that you can go down to through a path on the side of the cliff, it was like a secret place that belonged only to us. Being there at that time ...those are some of the happiest moments in my life.
Fast forward ten plus years, the spot now has been taken over by a hotel, and the lovely beach below the cliff is covered in concrete embankment. Our lovely sunset spot is gone, blocked by towering hotel building.
You can't stand in the way of progress they say - but I do believe in that line from the movie Miss Potter: "Sometimes beauty is worth preserving."
Rabu, November 04, 2009
Comfort Zone
Catatan (Atom)