Fireworks can be heard all around the neighbourhood now as I type this - and it's 11.59 on the computer clock. Happy 2012 everyone! Here's to wishing for the best wherever and whoever you are :) Take care everyone!!p/s it's Jon Snow and puppy Ghost
I received Batwoman: Elegy for my birthday and it is one sweet lookin' book. My only complaint is that it is too damn short XD
Anyways, perhaps the last drawing I'm doing for this year - a Grace Kelly inspired Kate Kane in sweater. Happy New Year everyone!
Batwoman in a caplet thanks to Jill Pantozzi who pointed it out, else I would've called it the batwing-capelike-thing-that-also-kinda-looks-like-a-shawl. Heck I'd probably call it ShaBwing.
Anyways, I haven't read Batwoman but I read reviews that the new book is really good. And honestly, I love her character design - the minimal colours of her outfit and the red and black contrast nearly always make for visually arresting image.
..of DC's villainous Secret Six. This is supposed to be part of the sweater girl series, but her regular comic outfit are pretty much contemporary and includes ensembles like jackets and layered clothes, so there's not much that I changed from that, really XD
I can't believe I haven't posted this one here before - I must have forgotten! This one is making its round in Tumblr like mad - I'm guessing there's a lot of Tina Fey/ 30 Rock fans out there :)
Anyways, classic Lemon!
...movie fan art. This is one of my favourite scene from the movie, and it's seriously the cutest one ever.Tristan: Did you really mean what you said in the caravan?
Yvaine: What? B-but you were a mouse! You were a mouse…you wanted cheese! You didn’t..(gasps in horror and embarassment) I asked you to give me sign.
Tristan: And risk you being too embarrassed to keep saying such lovely things?
... drawn on his birthday :)

Cassandra in hoodie sweater.. and the dinky sketches that comes with it.
...take a late afternoon stroll. I used to love Archie comics as a kid. Still do, but maybe not so much of the recent years revamps to the whole franchise.
I'm working on Josie and the Pussycats sketch card set from 5finity which will be released in December! And in those cards, they WILL be in their Pussycats costumes. Meow!
...just a wish - Selamat Hari Raya Aidiadha, Eid Mubarak to all dear Muslims around the world!

Fire and Ice from DC in appropriate autumn outfits (though it's nearly winter now is it not?) There's not much that I changed from their outfit - Ice's original costume is already nearly decked out for the cold (with the fuzzy boots and all) and I though cozy arm warmers would be nice instead of white tight gloves for her. Fire - well I just went all 80s on the top half of her body. Padded shoulder jacket (which matches her pants, no less!) over turtleneck sweater and ankle length boots. In retrospect perhaps I should've given her leg warmers too XD
Wolverine carving out a pumpkin in the only acceptable MANLY WAY
Another one from the 'Superheroes in Sweater' series - Wonder Girl and Speedy!
I love these two together.
I've been horrible. I've totally neglected this blog and ended up updating a lot more often at Tumblr T__ T It's bad I know. It's just really fun over that end! I'll try to make up for it I promise.
Anyways the DC girls in sweaters have made their rounds in the internet! Here they are at Project Rooftop, The Mary Sue and Comics Alliance. (I didn't even realize there was a feature in Comics Alliance until a kind reader told me - I was busy trying to make caramel apples. I have an autumn fixation and all the sweets and clothes that comes with it. It's weird, I know.)
Anyways here's something I'm doing tonight - a rough sketch of a Vampirella commission on Breygent's Vampirella set artist proof card. The client wanted something the pose to be similar to a particular Enric Torres drawing and the background to be somewhat art-noveau. I'll be inking and colouring this tonight - will post up the finished artwork once it's approved!
I did a few drawings of DC ladies in sweaters. It's first inspired by this post (http://potatofarmgirl.tumblr.com/post/10723216750/i-read-this-earlier-tonight) and I ended up drawing a few more because it's freaking fun and who said superheroes need to dress up skimpy to look awesome?! I love trying to insert their iconic look/ personality into the outfits.
An homage to Yvonne Craig of the 60s Batman TV show :) Also to pre-The Killing Joke Babs.
I think this ended up looking a tad more mature than the other designs, maybe due to the jacket. I love Vixen's fox amulet - and decided to keep it here as an accessory.
The first DC Sweater girl I drew - I must've had Adam Hughes' Hepburn Catwoman in mind, because this came out looking somewhat mod and retro and probably what Audrey Hepburn would want to wear.
The first Babs in sweater I drew - though I wasn't too happy with it because it didn't really feel like Babs to me.
I think this is my favourite out of the lot. It may be the tree - I just like trees in general XD
Powergirl! This is pretty straightforward. The little opening under the button clasp is inspired by an actual sweater I owned, except the clasp is on the back. Plus I've always wondered what she'd look like in pants.
Harley Quinn. This is another fave of mine - it looks super wearable and comfy and I want those little booties XD
I believe I had the 90s in mind with Supergirl - I gave her a waist high skirt paired with short midriff sweater. The short sweater may defeat the purpose of keeping warm, but Kara would probably not feel the cold anyway. Then why is she wearing sweater, you may ask? In which I would say it's probably because she's still a teenager and she'd probably want to look cool and trendy and cute. Probably.
Donna Troy always gives me the 80s vibe. There's something very disco-ey about her superhero costumes (I'm thinking of the red and black one-piece outfits, they'd look at home in any disco club. Wait that's 70s. I'm mixing up my years ..oops!)
Zatanna. I hope she's wearing a good sturdy tights under that fishnet stockings for the cold XD Also, I daren't give her a longer shorts (it doesn't seem very Zatanna) or shorter ones (the pantless look in autumn/winter? Unless your name is Lady Gaga, that would just be ridiculous)
Another Zatanna. I personally love this better (because it's way more comfortable and warmer I think!)
Stephanie Brown (Batgirl). I think her superhero outfit is the easiest to customize - I was able to keep a lot of her iconic look (the boots, belt, purple edges/piping, bat ears XD and emblem) within the casual hoodie. More to come soon, stay tuned!

A doodle/ drawing done to test out my tablet after re-installing it. I got lazy when I got the the legs.. but hey! It' Wonder Woman!
I've been quite busy lately finishing up Womanthology stuff. It's tiring and there're nights spent staying up colouring on auto-pilot while craving for a cupcake (I get dreams of cupcakes when I'm tired, wtf) but it's so worth it. I can't wait to see the whole thing. It'll be great!
I was informed via email that there's a write-up on me right HERE!
The writer told me it's a rather silly write-up but I think it's terribly cute! XD
Clicka clicka clicka to read!
Womanthology is all about ladies making comics, for, well, everyone! I am honoured to be part of this project, and boy am I ever excited to get started! More details to come as I get more info - but watch this space. And also please do pledge! You will get the gratitude and adoration of more than 140 female creators, need I say more???

They're so shiny!!
Preview card for Axebone's Dungeon Dolls card set, basically featuring a bunch of ass kicking, dragon slaying, treasure grabbing buxom ladies with oversized weapons

Did anyone here watch this series? Or read the book? Were you blown away, or suitably entertained? I love it so much that I'm getting withdrawal symptoms now that the first season has ended. Here's a couple of sketches featuring Daenerys Targaryen, and Sansa Stark.
Emma Frost! Emma Frost! Emma Frost!
Drawn on Dangerous Divas artist proof card :3
Some random sketches from the sketchbook!
Some artist exclusive cards commissions!

All coloured! While putting on an entire season 1 of Community :) One of the best show ever!
9x12 commission penciled and ready to be coloured!
A fanart of Jon Snow and his direwolf, Ghost, from the Game of Thrones. Read the books and watch the series - it's so full of people fighting to be kings and men in impractical outfit but terribly dashing in them as well as bare-breasted beautiful ladies. There's a bit for everyone I say!
Come one come all! To the Malaysian comic event of the year! Crowning event for the best of Malaysian comics this Saturday, 28 May 2011. See you there!
Getting reacquainted with the ol' gal :) Quick PS sketch, 10 min
...or rather, an attempt at it XD I tried working with elements that pertains to their character and identity.
Puzzle cards for UD's Captain America set, featuring Sharon Carter, Sin, Madame Hydra and Contessa de la Fontaine. All rendered in markers.
Too much sushi!
(Click on the title above to go to the nomination list)...for 'Best Self-published/Amateur Zine' for Anugerah Pekomik 2011, a local comic awards event honouring local efforts in all things comic :) Scroll down the link to category no. 8 to see our nomination, as well as the other nominees.
I'm so happy! It feels great to be acknowledged. We probably won't win (what with all the other awesome titles in the running) but what if we do, eh? Eh? One can dream, yes?
4-card puzzle done for UD's Captain America set.
While we're on that note, how awesome is the Thor movie? It's THOR-oughly awesome I have to say! (yes lame pun is lame don't throw tomatoes at me)

A couple of quick drawing of Happy Deadpool, just because :D