Fireworks can be heard all around the neighbourhood now as I type this - and it's 11.59 on the computer clock. Happy 2012 everyone! Here's to wishing for the best wherever and whoever you are :) Take care everyone!!p/s it's Jon Snow and puppy Ghost
I received Batwoman: Elegy for my birthday and it is one sweet lookin' book. My only complaint is that it is too damn short XD
Anyways, perhaps the last drawing I'm doing for this year - a Grace Kelly inspired Kate Kane in sweater. Happy New Year everyone!
Batwoman in a caplet thanks to Jill Pantozzi who pointed it out, else I would've called it the batwing-capelike-thing-that-also-kinda-looks-like-a-shawl. Heck I'd probably call it ShaBwing.
Anyways, I haven't read Batwoman but I read reviews that the new book is really good. And honestly, I love her character design - the minimal colours of her outfit and the red and black contrast nearly always make for visually arresting image.