Selasa, Disember 25, 2012
(close up of her face)
Got into designing dresses based on Superheroes and illustrating them in art noveau style! Here's one of Captain Marvel.I've been really terrible at updating this site. I've been more active over at my FB art page: and on my tumblr ( so head over there for prompt updates!
Khamis, November 01, 2012
Selasa, Ogos 28, 2012
Sabtu, Ogos 04, 2012
I've been searching high and low and came to this conclusion: I may have forgotten to get a high res scan of this one. *headpalm* I'm starting to think I need a personal assistant for all these! (except that I'm too poor to pay for one sobs)
Anyways, here's the some WIP as well as completed pictures of Ms Marvel on Marvel Universe AP card, commissioned by Eric, courtesy of my crappy built-in pc webcam. You can't see it here but there's some blue glitter applied on the ocean in the background so it'll look like the sunlight is hitting the ocean in that particular angle that the surface of the water is all sparkling.
Khamis, Jun 28, 2012
Sabtu, Mei 12, 2012
Jumaat, Mac 23, 2012

The last of Sweater!Superladies for this season. They'll be back again in autumn. But now I'm gearing up for some breezier outfits now that the days are getting warmer! (it's downright hot where I am - which is like suuuuper close to the Equator).
This is Medusalith Amaquelin Boltagon, or better known simply as Medusa!
Her sweater is based on the costume depicted by Alex Garner here:
Also, all resemblance to Daphne of Scooby-Doo is totally unintentional. It’s the colour scheme of that outfit and the red hair, dang it XD

Close up of her face!
Khamis, Mac 22, 2012
Some Shameless Pimpage
Copy and paste that link into your browser and click go. Now, underneath that awesome drawing of Alan Moore is my Wonder Woman piece! The fanboys have speaketh and they approve :)
Also it seems that today, 22 March is the birthday of a certain Princess of the Amazons. Happy Birthday Wonder Woman! Stay wonderful :)
Copy and paste that link into your browser and click go. Now, underneath that awesome drawing of Alan Moore is my Wonder Woman piece! The fanboys have speaketh and they approve :)
Also it seems that today, 22 March is the birthday of a certain Princess of the Amazons. Happy Birthday Wonder Woman! Stay wonderful :)
Enter the Dragon

Sketch card commission done for the wonderful Mark! All I can say is that I has got them precious marker refills and can use as much colour as I want, mwehehhee!
Isnin, Februari 20, 2012
Ahad, Januari 22, 2012
Wondy Dress!
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