My cat is in heat now and is desperately horny. So desperate that she sprays places in the apartment (purpose is to leave her scent for male cats to follow, like a breadcrumb trail). When I clean up these 'marks', she sprays ME instead. It's like being peed on and I feel completely violated >.<
Time to get you snip-snipped, you shameless hussy!
8 ulasan:
true story?
That must be horrid to wake up to... teen kitties *disapproving head shake* Maybe I should introduce her to Tam Tam? Zero chances of mini Saurons/Tamz there :D
janganla potong. kesian dia.
anas: Yes. Every bit of it true.
Mel: I worry for the psychological scar that may be inflicted on poor Tam-tam!
akapaka: kalau tak potong dia lagi sengsara
violated XD;;
kesiannye!i know how u felt!horny female cats are annoying!i cant tahan their randy meow & kinki acts ughh, mine sudah potong and i'm in peace :D its good for them too anyways
eh i link your blog eh!i've been rajin updating mine recently, hopefully it will last :p
jiwo: totally T__T
fairy: LOL I'm making appointment to potong her, and maybe I can sleep at night better
Linked u back! Post up more photos, babe! XD
i'll try hehehe!thanks!:D
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