Was trying out Painter SAI at the behest of my colleague Mel, who is extremely wonderful at painting with it (check out her lovely mer-people over at her blog listed on the side - that girl is AMAZING!)
I can't paint all that well, but I must say this application's pretty sweet! Easy to use and light on computer memory :)
5 ulasan:
Sweet stuff u did with SAI. That software's been lying on my office PC for a couple of months since my colleague introduced it.
I keep forgetting to bring a copy of the installer back home o_0
Gorgeous work as always, Hanie! I always love your sense of colour <3 Hopefully you'll post up more artworks now XD
Painter SAI ?another version of painter?:|
Cool chicka:P, has a very vibrant and energetic feel to it.
You painter-people seem to have found a wonderful new toy with this... Painter SAI :P
Jeff: Try it! you wont regret it..
Mel: I see why you love it so much, it really is so awesome! I'm still trying to paint as awesome as you do though.. sob
Fairy: yes, just google Painter SAI! It's really fun to use
Raccoon: haha thanks! Yes painter.. SAI..is awesome
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